A Letter from my Heart to a Disciple back in 2010

A Letter to a Single Sister who wants to follow Jesus back in 2010

Please read and glean a word for your own situation as it the Lord may impress upon your hearts.

Kolade a student and follower of the school of Eternal Life by our Lord Jesus Christ, saved by grace and called to be a servant of Christ by mercy, unto (YOU – Name witheld)my beloved “ daughter-in-Christ” but a daughter of the Most High God and a fellow disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ His Son.

As it is most needful, may Grace, Peace and Mercy of God continue to multiply to you and envelope you in all your ways as you seek to fully grasp the mysteries of the Gospel of God and come to the maturity in Christ Jesus, even unto having a perfect heart before God. May you wholly enter and walk in the absoluteness of your portion of the inheritance of the saints in the. Amen.

I always thank God in my heart for you, seeing the great work He has done in you, your faith in Christ Jesus, the fruits of His spirit evidence in you and the assurance of hope for a fulfilled tomorrow in the will of God and eternal abode with the father in heaven. It gladdens my heart to see your willingness and resolution to live the simple life of Christ (2 Cor 1:12, 2 Cor 11:3) to be a defender of the message of the cross (1 Cor 1:18) and to die daily for the life of the Son of God to be seen in you.( 2 Cor 4:10-11, John 12:24) While declaring the glory, faithfulness and goodness of God you daily experience as part of God’s commitment to you on this path. (Heb 13:5, John 17)

I felt compelled to put these words in my heart together on black and white and I had to wait till now to send it as I get the permission in my spirit, without any doubt, you will be needing to go over what the Holy Spirit would like me to put down in the nearest future.

I believe you must have confirmed in your heart by now what the scripture says in Jeremiah 10:23  “O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps” and that “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way” Psa 37:23.

Then, if we have touched God together in this few months that we have related, we can boldly say then that the Lord God Himself ordained it and has directed our path to meet for His own purpose and counsel for our lives. So, we know, that God is the source of our relationship and Christ is the centre of our fellowship, for this understanding is the fuel that will propel us and sustain our walk together with the Lord as long as he wants us to relate until we lay hold of what He has in stock for us.

My sister, let your heart rejoice always in the Lord, knowing that you have been saved by grace and CALLED of God by mercy. Have a total conviction that not many are called, continue loving the Lord and allow the peace of God to reign in your heart and refuse to wake up from the revelation of the Life you have seen.

Now that you are back in (school – whereever you may be located dear reader), I want you to build an altar at this junction of your experience with God (the last encounter or experience you may have had, dear reader), as you must do to every stage you meet with the Lord afresh, so that you can always have a point of reference until you get to the land of promise. The building of altar is for you to consciously convince yourself of the Lord’s dealings, teachings, rebukes, chastisements, blessings and promises. This is your walk of faith which is like a layer of blocks laid over one another until the house is fully built.

The following are few things I felt will be useful for you if you keep them in your heart always and by them and more the Lord will be giving to you, you will be able to fulfil Ephesians 2:10 and 2 Timothy 2:15.


First, that there are many things in the bible and many are interpreting them as they see, but we read in the scriptures that our heart and the holy spirit will witness to what is the TRUTH which is Jesus, 1 John 2:27 but a man will do well to know what the calling upon his/her life is and that determines what the Lord will permit of him/her as His will essentially in Christ Jesus. (Ephesians 1:18)

So, do not be confused about many things you see around, but hold on to what is the TRUTH, and the only thing NEEDFUL which is what God has to say through His Son Jesus Christ, (Heb 1:1-3) whom has been sent to give ETERNAL Life to us (John 3:15) by our believe and faith in Him, i.e his message, life and principles, having faith in him to apply them to our lives and expect that we would have pleased God by doing so.

This ETERNAL life is to Know God and Jesus His Son, as what we need for Life and godliness is embedded in this knowledge of Eternal Life.  John 17:3 (i.e understanding His flesh we ought to eat and His blood we ought to drink and the how of it which is the secret of having eternal life and being raised up at the last day by Christ Jesus – John 6:54).

Secondly, this ETERNAL Life is the way out of what we inherited from Adam and Eve which is the Human Nature life and the only way out of it is when we deliberately live in opposite direction of what that human life dictates naturally. This is the mind of Christ and the life of God, you must seek to daily purify yourself of the nature you have been used to, the wisdom you have known so well, which is aiming at what people thinks is great and the principles we have been taught from childhood to be commonsensical.

This is the death we must die and the cross we must carry daily, its death because for human nature it is never palatable, but the more you subject yourself to the dictates of the spirit saying no to the desires of your own nature, which are not what is obviously known to be sinful, the more you will experience the life of God and rivers of living water will flow out of you. Romans 8, Galatians 4

According to Luke 14:28-32, God is building a Tower and has a war to fight, and we are to be part of this project, I want to inform you that I strongly perceive that the Lord is needing your life, and that there is a call upon your life, while we have had a talk on this subject, I still want to re-iterate that the best way to discover your specific calling is to ask the Lord to lead you as you continue walking in the path He has shown you. Then you will receive promises of Him and you will know what is the purpose of His calling.

I must tell you then that, do not bother to count neither your achievements nor failures, but continue to count the cost of achieving what the Lord will want you do for Him. Remain steadfast and follow the straightway, even though it is narrow. Endeavour to remain consistent, I tell you, after a while, you will see how the Lord has helped you in your spiritual walk, my dear time tells.

Having said so much about your spiritual walk and laying a good foundation. I will like to respond to the young man’s issue this way:

First, I am glad you said he is making you feel as if you have lost something precious, not that you have indeed lost what is meant for you that is precious. Please I beg you in the name of God, know that God loves you, just and the way He loves Jesus. You will remember that Jesus was a child when God was instructing the mother and Joseph to take him from one city to the other so as to ensure that no harm came to Him.

If you are convinced with what I said earlier that God loves you as He loves Jesus, you will conclude by conviction that He is faithful to lead you and help you when you are about to make eternal mistake innocently, but if you don’t think God is able to guide your steps as long as you are acting with faith and trust in His word, devil will torment you severely. Be careful, I told you before; it does not cost God anything to speak convincingly to you on who your husband is. And I know that is what will happen, we shall see it together, an overwhelming conviction. I have my own testimony. Pls warn (name withheld), if he is playing pranks with words, or sowing himself again, take charge of your life, future is not known to any of us, but if we lean on God we can perceive the direction. I never told you that (name withheld) is not your husband but I told you, keep friendship and remain prayerful.

Your ministry is first of all your life and convictions, (Gal 1:16, Rom 15:18) not any activities and post you are able to achieve. Be warned.

Like you concluded in your text, please tell everything to God, your temptations, and be sincere, He will help you. Always talk to the holy spirit even physically, He makes him self available.

I have said so much, let me stop here for now and wait till I receive you reply as development arises.

Take care and remember you are loved by God, we love you too.

Your brother,
