Christ’s Faith Gospel Fellowship

is a non-denominational mission and ministry burdened of the Lord for a revival advocacy work in the body of Christ, serving and influencing her leadership towards a Christ centered and Christ Driven revival labour, focus and emphasis, resulting in a global in-gathering of believers in diverse but united in the spirit to obey the commandments of God and keep the faith of Christ.
We seek to teach present through all books of the bible the Endurance, Perseverance, Hope and Promise of Faith of Christ, presenting the Joy that lies ahead of resolving to keep fighting against any opposition to the will of God no matter the cost to our lives (including death).
Our labour is to see believers love and support the body of christ and united in true fellowship until the glory of the Lord is seen and known in all the earth as we expect the Lord’s return.
We trust and rely absolutely on the Lord in all wisdom and access He permits to do His work in us and through us by every worthy vessel and hand of labour he will also bring to these fields of harvest.

We are only privileged to enter into the labours of honourable men and elders who have gone ahad of us with similar burden for which the Lord is raising men to expand he frontiers of thier work in all dimension and in fulfilment of His will and purpose for a time and generation like ours – full of gross darkness and hatred for things tha concerns Christ.

Hence, we are rising, shining for our light has come and the glory (knowledge) of God is risen upon us.

Christ’s Faith Gospel Fellowship as our name indicates is a convergence of believers to keep a fellowship with Jesus Christ as we follow Him as His disciples from different locations but one-in-fellowship as a response of faith to God’s calling, burden and leading of the Holy Spirit to influence and contribute to the body of Christ unto Unity of the Faith by learning Christ, living-out His life, teaching and preaching the mystery, power and reality of Christ dwelling in a believer and emphasizing the centrality of the Faith of Jesus Christ in the Gospel presentation and primary for possessing the Kingdom of God.

We believe that according to scriptures, Faith is a pivotal primary factor of fellowship with the triune God, but in the New Testament context, it is only the faith of Jesus that is pleasing to God.

Whereas the subject of faith is broad and multi-dimensional, but looking keenly into the word of God by divine revelation, we believe strongly that the underpinned truth and message on the subject matter in the mind of God the Father as spoken clearly in practical terms through the sending of His Son, Jesus Christ, defining faith by his life, suffering, death and resurrection which depicts his Believe and Trust in God, his firm hope for the Joy set ahead and his life and work of faith premised on that believe unto committing his daily living unto the father’s wisdom and sovereignty in fulfilment of the Father’s will and enduring the cross unto committing his spirit to the father in death.


To see the emphasis of Christ and Him Crucified preached, Taught and lived out practically my majority in the body of Christ unto a global bible revival.


To serve the global church in all wisdom and influences, advocating and provoking a Christ centered revival and re-awakening a pivotal emphasis on living by the Faith of Jesus Christ among whole-hearted believers.


1. Labouring and influencing the body of Christ, to raise a generation that seeks and serve God rather than men who seek to use God in all wisdom.

2. Teaching and manifesting the practicality of becoming God’s temple for His habitation in content and context of everyday living towards a victorious life apart mediocrity and mere religiosity.

3. We are commissioned of the Lord to build up lives no matter their stories to be part of his end time recruits, we are raising up the spiritual foundations of many by the word of God and the power of Holy Spirit. We stand in gap with God’s authority to repair breach, restoring lives and institutions back to God for Kingdom influence and establishing Christ principles.

4. Convening regular and itinerant non-denominational prophetic and revival meetings where those who call upon the name of the Jesus experiences a time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord in repentance and impartation for kingdom service in an atmosphere of spirit filled worship, revelationary teachings, miracles, healing and manifestation of gifts of the spirit all unto a closer walk with the Lord.

Christ’s Faith Gospel Fellowship (CFGF)

CFGF is a revival mission burdened of the lord to converge believers in different places where man is found as God permits for an unfeigned fellowship in the following:


Conscientiously praying, seeking the Lord and drawing his power to establish His purposes for his Church, territories and individual lives unto the glory of his name.


Unlearning Christ-less faith, relearning Christ-centered faith, teaching and fighting the fight of faith through practical Christian living in obedience of faith in an un-toward generation, keeping the faith of Christ.


Bearing witnesses in all conversations, the suffering, death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus for the deliverance and salvation of mankind through prophetic evangelistic outreaches and sharing the gospel in all wisdom to draw men in submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.


Raising and equipping brethren called into the fivefold ministry to go beyond rhetoric but seeking to possess and manifest the power of God to a dying world. Transforming lives and revealing Jesus as the Lord over all through and by the grace and influence of His power over life issues and challenges.

In the Spirit of Fellowship, we seek to manifest and express the love of Christ to other brethren as well as express the gospel with token of acts of love to a dying world.

Many things are true but the Truth is superior to facts and figures. We seek to stand by the Truth as expressed through scriptures all all life subjects, pointing all men to Jesus in all things. It is only the Truth that sanctifies and made whole.