Simple Gospel

Welcome Note:
A pertinent question anyone may wish to ask is if there is any need to embark on a Kingdom work that is solely out for giving clarity to what it means to be a Christian, clarifying the gospel message and expounding the mystery of the gospel after so many years since the existence of the Church and with all the faithful Bible teachers and reformers that has done great work over the years.

The right answer then would be yes, there is an obvious need to keep clarifying and explaining the gospel message to every new generation and from time to time, because the gospel has been and is still under a continuous, relentless, satanic attack; recent men have bombarded the kingdom, sitting as leaders and they have positioned themselves as enemies of the gospel with their widespread heretic, insidious and soul killing errors.

God in His wisdom has continuously raised men by His divine election as teachers who would by grace receive of Him clear insight into the word of God and then explain again the gospel to the Church.

This is so because many of the typical modern evangelistic Church has abandoned scriptures and direct words of Christ as its pillar and foundation, hence, they become open to all kind of doctrinal errors and aberrations, by this many believers foundational understanding of God’s word is faulty.

Simple Gospel have been mandated of the Lord by grace to be a voice for these purpose to work according to Isaiah 58:12 as He prepares His Church for His imminent return. The critical and precious truth of the gospel is at the heart of the message we labor to proclaim to this generation and through all the channels God shall make available to us.

This truth being “Jesus is the wisdom and power of God, even when that power and wisdom made him seem weak at the time of his greatest need and led him to the sufferings and death of the cross, but to be resurrected on the third day.

It is for this reason therefore that we at Simple Gospel are constant in Prayer to God the father, that He will continually open our spiritual eyes of understanding to daily discover and unveil the mystery, glory in the flesh and the faith of Jesus in all the scriptures, so that as we also continue to live by His Faith, we may also reveal and proclaim unto the end-time believers the inevitable need to live by the faith of Jesus Christ, so as to please God, obtain His righteousness and be equipped to stand form till Christ’s return doing exploits.

We therefore shall not take this grace and calling we have received for granted but as God enables us, we hope to focus on handling God’s word with car and giving the resources He puts in our hands to this course as liberally as we can. Please be gracious to encourage is through your prayers, support and feedback – making you a participant in this ministry to the glory of God and His word.

Thank you and remain in the Truth.

Kolade Ilesanmi
Coordinating Brother
About Us offers bible based, Christ centered teachings and exhortations in the form of articles, devotion materials, audio teachings, messages, animated illustrations, short movies and other publications covering several topics and addressing various life issues with the vision to challenge and encourage men, women, youth and children to live their lives by the Faith of Jesus Christ (being the only way to please God), and learning to relate intimately with the Lord Jesus through life practical experiences.
What informs our pattern of teaching which is to consistently reveal the glory of Jesus in the days of His flesh, is so that as men may behold His glory (i.e the character of God which He manifested as a man by Grace) on all life issues and we also may be changed and transformed into His image from one level of glory unto another, yet through His Grace and by the Power of His Spirit.
We are deeply convinced and persuaded that the call of the Lord in Mathew 28 for believers to make disciples of all nations is beyond mere information for head knowledge and followership or mentoring relationship towards church ministry and the like, but rather, it is a demand from the Lord that we make men of the world to become His disciples, who would believe in the Lord even unto being obedient unto His faith i.e Believing and trusting in His Person and Power (Grace) as the begotten Son of God both in the flesh and as resurrected Lord, Living in consonance with the Purpose for which He takes preeminence, and adhering to the principles through which He lived in the days of His flesh.
This we must do by teaching them through the life of Christ we also live, in all wisdom and through every platform God permits, to observe and to do all that the Lord has commanded.