Intentional Discipleship


Discipleship as a word refers to the term that captures the making of disciples which Jesus
commanded (that is followers and loyalist of Christ who obeys his teaching out of a heart of
faith and as a result becomes vessels through which Christ’s Spirit can manifest)
When Jesus said go and make disciples of all nations, and teaching them all that I have
commanded you, it is pertinent that we understand that commandment from His intention
point of view which is aligned to the intention of God right from Genesis through all scriptures
as observed in His dealings with Patriachs and men of old.

Clearly Jesus meant with that command, Go and make people to know about me and what I
represent for them, believe in me despite they can see me and follow me whole-heartedly
and use my life and teachings as tool for this assignment, I will be with you in the spirit to
support this work as I build my church and achieve my father’s agenda through the times
until my return.

Futher on this and still defining discipleship from the above background, God gave us an
insight into what making disciples entail as a shadow of what is to come in the book of Isaiah
8:16, 50:4-11
A disciple being a learner generally speaking, a Disciple of Christ then is a learner of Christ’s
Life, Suffering, Death and Resurrection Discipleship when done in context of God’s word is
God’s tool for transforming lives of believers to be over-comers in lie and in death.

Please contact us to know more and fill the form below to express your interest in joining the
Intentional Discipleship Programme.
Discipleship as a Kingdom principle and process for growing all believers into maturity in
Christ and by extension raising leaders among the saints have often been misunderstood and
limited to the Church leaders teaching willing believers certain teachings and doctrines that
relates to taking responsibilities to do the work of ministry and being loyal to a denomination
with hope of promoting and contributing to the growth of such church organization or

Meanwhile, looking at the word of God for the right definition, concept, purpose and focus of
discipleship, we see that it was God’s wisdom for our learning of Jesus Christ, being with him
intentionally after seeing the need for us to be conformed to his image from who we used to
be now that we are saved and grow into maturity and fullness of the stature of Christ as we
position our hearts to learn of him, get our hearts renewed from all we have grown with in
the flesh, and as we are transformed in the knowledge of His glory in the flesh, we are filled
with His spirit in an increasing measure, discerning all the will of God for our lives and hence,
we become like him in all our ways as He lives is life from within us.

Our Intentional Discipleship Project is a platform for fellowship designed to allow thirsty and
willing believers to become intentional and practical in pursuing the knowledge of Jesus Christ
experientially through a yoking together with the Lord in heart knowledge and life issues beyond head knowledge but receiving and possessing the life of Jesus through learning of His
Person, Principles, Purpose, Passion and Power as being taught and seen lived out from
another mature believer God will be permitting. Allowing every tool by the hand of God for
the overcoming of flesh and carnal mindset that keeps in bondage of Sin and learning to
please God from the heart and mind.

It is a scheduled programme dependent on availability and peculiarity that will teach and
expose you to be intentional, prioritize and focus your energy on being a disciple of Jesus in
every area of your life and submit to the authority of Jesus in all dimension as he prepares his
saints for his purpose with all its attendant benefits and advantage in life.
The model of our Intentional Discipleship project is to reveal and teach Jesus from all books
of the bible and in pages of daily life experiences where Jesus will be revealing himself, it is
inclusive also to encourage obedience of faith unto obtaining palpable life of Christ for
purpose fulfillment.

The Christ’s Faith Gospel Fellowship Intentional Discipleship Model Essentials are:
1. Learning HIS PERSON as the Son of God, the Christ, Head of His Church and filling all
things through His Word
2. Learning HIS PRINCIPLES for Life and Godliness, Faith to Please God and holding on to
Eternal Life in His Word
3. Learning HIS PURPOSE for Life, the Church(His People), His Mission for Humanity and
Purpose for the times.
4. Learning to receive HIS POWER by the Spirit of God for our transformation and
empowerment for all the above.

In summary, when discipleship is effective in anyone’s life, he will be through with works of
the flesh and fully mature in the manifestation by daily life, fruits of the Spirit, haven’t so
learnt Christ and Him Crucified, armed in the mind and purpose to suffer in the flesh in order
to please God.